Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m - All are welcome

Holy Communion

Every Sunday at 10:00 am we have a Holy Communion service (Choral Eucharist). Everyone is welcome.


During the year, there are special Sunday services to celebrate Easter, Pentecost, Harvest Thanksgiving, All Saints Day, Remembrance Day and Advent Sunday.


We also hold special services for Ash Wednesday, Weekdays during Lent, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. 


Liturgy is primarily Holy Communion using the Book of Alternative Services


All baptized Christians are invited to partake of Holy Communion – both the bread and the wine.

And all people, whether baptized or not, are invited to come forward to the Altar to receive a Blessing from the Priest.


At Christ Church we use the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) of the Bible and follow the Lectionary of the Anglican Church of Canada.


See the lectionary at > > >