Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m - All are welcome


The season that precedes Christmas.  It is a reflective time of prayer and contemplation looking forward to the celebration of Jesus Christ’s coming into the world.


At Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the incarnation of God. Despite the cold outside, Christmas in the church is a warm and glorious season. The church is decorated with glowing colours, carols are sung and because we celebrate the Christ child, there is a special focus on the family and children.


The most solemn day in the church calendar, commemorating the day that Jesus was crucified on the Cross.  For the Good Friday service, the church is temporarily stripped of its decorations and ornamentation. Although the prayers and hymns are sombre in tone, there is always the underlying promise that we will encounter the risen Christ on Easter Morning.  


The most glorious day in the church year.  Easter marks the raising of Jesus from the grave, the triumph over sin and death. With it comes the promise that those who believe in the risen Jesus and accept him as Saviour will be part of the Kingdom of God – here on earth and in heaven.


This is held at the end of June, co-incident with the end of the school year and the Sunday School year. The event is for the whole parish. It includes an outdoor Communion service, followed by a barbeque lunch and fun and games for those who are young – or young at heart.


This event is inspired by St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals, and is held close to his feast day (October 4th). Members of the congregation gather in the church with their animals for a service of blessing. We are reminded that our pets are God’s creatures too.


The Sunday of the Thanksgiving Weekend is always a time for celebration and giving thanks. For a rural parish like Christ Church, the celebration of the harvest is all important. At Harvest Thanksgiving the church is brilliantly decorated with produce from the fields, highlighted by autumnal colours.    


All Saints Day is celebrated on November 1st – or on the closest Sunday. In Christian terms all who have accepted Christ as Saviour are considered saints. At our All Saints’ service we especially commemorate the saints who “have gone before”.  Each member of the congregation is invited to light a candle in memory of a departed loved one.


At our Remembrance Sunday service, held on the Sunday closest to November 11th, we commemorate those who gave their lives in the wars of the last century or more. At Christ Church there is a strong association with the military at Christ Church, with family members serving in the armed forces today. At this service the younger generation are invited to play a key role in remembering the sacrifices made for all of us.  


In 2017 Christ Church celebrated the 180th anniversary of its founding. A number of special events and exhibits were held throughout the year. In March 2017 our special guest was the Rt Reverend Michael Bird, Bishop of Niagara, at the time.